
Teaser Tuesday (8): Adventures and Japan Lit

I’m back for Teaser Tuesday. This is the 8th time that we are joining this weekly meme that is hosted by Miz B from Should Be Reading. As per usual, here’s the drill:

  • Grab your current read/s.
  • Open to a random page.
  • Share “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page (We deleted the ‘two sentences’ bit since I tend to include more than two sentences, truth be told).
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

I sometimes feel I am rarely on GB. I’m more the backroom team member busy figuring out stuff related to the website. Before I share with you my teasers for the week, I’d like to invite everyone to join our Award-Winning-Book Reading Challenge this 2012. You can click here to sign up! Make sure that you write a blogpost announcing your intention to join and the level you are aiming for.

Anyway, moving on to today’s agenda. Once again, I have two books that are poles apart from each other. The last time I was in teaser Tuesday, I featured Book one of the Oracle of Fire series, today, I’m offering you an excerpt from Book 2: Enoch’s Ghost.

“ A cascade of hues rained over his mind, the dull beige in his mother’s dress, the purple in the apron she wore to keep from drawing gray streaks on her clothes, and the scarlet blush in the flower she often wore in her hair. But one color kept breaking through over and over—the vines she draped around  the doorway, the garlands she would make from fresh cuttings and arrange on the table, and the single emerald his father had given her that she always wore in a ring that never left her finger.”

The other book I’m reading is Haruki Murakami’s South of the Border, West of the Sun. I’ve read this before, I’m re-reading it for the challenge we joined this year.

“We were, the two of us, still fragmentary beings, just beginning to sense the presence of an unexpected, to-be-acquired reality that would fill us and make us whole. We stood in front of a door we’d never seen before. The two of us alone, beneath a glimmer of light, our hands tightly clasped together for a fleeting ten seconds of time.”

So, what books are you reading at the moment?

17 comments on “Teaser Tuesday (8): Adventures and Japan Lit

  1. Nice teasers! I haven’t heard of these books before but they sounds interesting, especially the second book. 🙂

    My TT


  2. Two very good teasers… nice books. Thanks for visiting my teaser.


  3. Great teasers! I especially love the one from Enoch’s Ghost. It’s cool the way they used the different colors for this paragraph. Thanks for stopping by!


  4. great teasers new 2 me, enjoy reading the rest

    My TT


  5. Interesting teasers! I’ve never heard of either, but I’m curious about them…especially the second!


  6. Interesting Quotes! Will pick something of Murakami this year.. I am seeing it everywhere


  7. Ooh, fun quotes!! I’m going to check out your challenge. I like award-winning books, typically!! Thx for stopping by my TT!! 🙂


  8. Great teasers! Haruki Murakami’s being my favourite. Thanks for sharing!

    Here’s my TT:



  9. Couple of great teasers. Thanks for visiting!


  10. I haven’t heard of either of these books. Nice teasers.


  11. Very colorful imagery! Thanks for stopping by my TT earlier today.


  12. Great teasers. South of the Border, West of the sun sounds very interesting. Definitely going to look into it further. Thanks for sharing.


  13. Two completely new books to me, but they sound interesting. Hope you’re enjoying! Thanks for stopping by!


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